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No Les, No Moore: The 300 Word Mandate

Watercolour Illustration of Dracula

So! I have decided to add a blog to the website. Truthfully, it’s mainly to improve the visibility of the site. But, who knows who might watching what I am up to.

Those who know me are aware that I don’t tend to ramble on. (Not that much anyway!) I prefer a good interactive conversation with plenty of input from all sides. I believe that is when an interesting exchange occurs. I am far more fascinated with what is happening with other people and have the chance to become involved in their experiences and opinions, rather than hold a self-centred colloquy in my own self-importance. However, a personal blog runs the danger of becoming just that. This is why I decided to place strict conditions on what I put in it.

I will aim to make every blog no less than 200 words but no more than 300. (Ideally, it will be exactly 300!) I will attempt to include at least one original image per blog and, where possible, a video of interest. I will aim to post once a month for the next 12 months. I will link to, at least, one resource or page of interest, per blog. I will ask one question with which you (dear reader) can be involved.

This is a vast personal experiment as I tend to be quite shy at coming forward. (A surprise when you consider I also teach for a living.) I’m encouraged by the work of Pete Mosley and Alex Mathers who are both experts in their fields and who share a huge amount of advice for creatives trying to seek out a living doing what they enjoy doing. Both agree; get your stuff and thoughts out there!

300 words – that’s not bad for a first attempt! What do you think?

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Salford, UK

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