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Giving Twitter the Bird!

"Eagle" Digital Painting

I’ve been contributing to a weekly Twitter art challenge hosted by @Colour Collective. Primarily to provide a reason (and a deadline!) to keep producing illustrations outside of my degree studies but it has proved to be far more productive than simply making images.

The Colour Collective shares a random colour and participants can respond with any image, in any style, using any medium. It’s a great forum for seeing a vast array of ideas and images from artists from all fields. I wanted to develop something unique for that arena and I’d previously drawn a rabbit for a similar challenge which used a great deal of negative space. I decided to repeat that process for Colour Collective and I created a bird illustration. Although I have designed other animals, I focused on fowl for inspiration and the final results can be viewed in my Spatial Aviary.

One of the advantages of working this way is that I have cultivated a new portfolio of work that will expand and change on a weekly basis. I’ve also developed a technique that I can repeat, at speed, and allows me to produce images in a certain style. Something most professional illustrators and art directors agree is a crucial skill to demonstrate if looking for payed projects. Producing an image, for a deadline, for a purpose, for (in my mind) a client has also helped maintain my professional work discipline.

The whole experience is an enjoyable, productive process that has yielded many benefits. But, most importantly, I’ve also found an extraordinary community of supportive peers. As a latecomer to the social media experience (and one time critic) it is a refreshing experience to make connections with like-minded people and gain their opinions and advice.

I’m giving Twitter the bird – what will you give it?

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Salford, UK

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