It's a mixed up world..
Endangermals is the working title for this mix and match project which seemed a natural progression of the Amphibimals concept.
I’ve been sporadically contributing to a Twitter art challenge called Animal Alphabets where, week by week, a themed alphabet is completed. The current topic is of endangered animals and I felt I had something to contribute. I will add every week until this alphabet is completed. Submissions are made at 7:30pm every Monday and I’ve found the talented art community hugely welcoming and extremely supportive. It’s a great venue to view some great illustrations and gain inspiration.
I’m finding the process of digital sketching a bit of a challenge using a Bamboo tablet. Even after using it for a number of years, I still find I’m quicker and more accurate using pen and paper. It may be a line of experimentation for when I’ve completed this set of images. I’m not keen to change my work flow just yet, as it may affect the consistency of the images.
As with the Amphibimals I’ll be working to create a book, app or online platform to share the project. I keep identifying so many uses for the characters but really don’t have the skill sets (or time) to follow them up.
Eventually, I’ll combine both projects and, using my Google calculator, I’ve worked out that when the images are combined from both completed projects, there are over 7000 animals that can be created. Have you made your animal mix up yet? Which is your favourite?
There are a lot more letters (and animals) to add to the mix and I’ve a load of extra stuff to add to the page. Don’t forget to pop back soon and see. Even better - send me a message - I’ll keep you posted on updates!